Major update 4.64


Version 4.64 is a major update introducing various updates across the app and several new features in Bulk Pricing.



A new card revealing promotion insights has been added to the Dashboard. The card shows five articles with greatest and lowest sales uplift from promotions over the past 30 days. Hovering over article bubbles provides additional info on promotion dates, zones, volume & revenue impacts and promo price.

01 dash promo card


Clicking through the card leads to Promo Dashboard* module where detailed statistics on all promotions can be viewed on article level.

02 dash promo mod


It is also possible to simulate future promotions of articles in the Promo simulation section of the module.

03 dash promo sim

*Note that Promo Dashboard module can be purchased and enabled upon request in case your plan does not include it. Please contact our Customer Success or Support teams for more information.



In Price report section of an article, estimated impact of a manual price is now shown even if manual price validity date is in the future. In case an article has a New price applied before manual price becomes valid, both impacts are shown for each applicable zone.

man price



When filtering content in any module where applicable, your filter settings are saved and the same filtering is applied whenever you return to the given module.

05 filters




Impact overview in Bulk Pricing now contains a new section – Price changes which indicates how many New prices and Suggested prices in the selected category are increasing, decreasing or not changing, those make up 100% of all prices in the given category.

06 BP stats



When creating or editing bulk prices, it is now possible to manually enter an expected supplier (buying) price which is also reflected in the calculation of margin.

07 BP supprice



In Suggestion rules it is now possible to set rules based on individual article classes or their combinations thus allowing more diversity and flexibility when generating bulk pricing suggestions.

08 BP ac



  • Active filter overflow in article lists fixed
  • Keeping article detail open on filter change fixed
  • Removing bulk suggestions after update fixed
  • Approved suggestion count not changing fixed

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