News in update 4.49

Update v4.49 brings improvements in working with data and searching for detailed information.

Whether you are working with large amounts of data or trying to find a single particular item in your assortment, we are extending the tools that enable you to work with data in Yieldigo app efficiently. Let’s see how.


When first introduced in v4.44 back in Nov 2022, dual lists were available only for managing Articles and their IDs. Now, after update v4.49 when creating or editing rules such as Price ranges or Locked article rules, it is possible to enter and manage large amounts of items in bulk using bulk ID entry and extended dual lists also for Categories, Brands, and Suppliers.

  • Add items from the left side to your selection by clicking /+/ icon or an item name.
  • Remove items from your selection on the right side by clicking /-/ icon or an item name.
  • Search items in both lists simultaneously by typing or inserting text into the search field (first 50 entries are displayed in alphabetic order by default).
  • Add hundreds of items in bulk by copy-pasting their IDs divided by spaces into the search field, pasted items will be added to your selection automatically if found. When some items are not found upon copy-pasting, e.g. ID does not exist or there is a typo, the number of such items is indicated in the validation dialogue below the search field, a list of such items can be copied into clipboard using the Copy list button. As for duplicate entries, the first ID found is added to selection, the rest is ignored.

01 IDvalidation

Note: All the aforementioned functions are demonstrated in the example video.



Based on your requests, the option to filter multiple items of the same filter type in the Scenarios module has been added.

Select multiple values in any of the filter types – Article class, Zone, Brand, Supplier. The filter will display the results which contain at least one of the options chosen in the same filter type.
In case multiple filter types are used, only articles that contain a combination of both items chosen in different filter types will be displayed as shown in the example below.

02 scenarios filters



Difference column containing relative difference between Current regular price and Optimal regular price in Article list and Repricing priority reports now contains coloured indicators of positive/negative changes. Values in the column can be sorted.
Also, a new Filter by price change is available in filtering options, it allows to filter only price increases or decreases.

03 de increase filter



Quantity in baskets chart now contains extended intervals from 25-49 to 1000+ items to differentiate higher amounts of goods sold per shopping. This is especially important for businesses operating in high-volume bulk sales of goods.

04 quantity intervals



  • Model insights missing for some articles fixed
  • Article class badges not collapsing multiple values fixed
  • Repricing priority report tooltips fixed
  • Decimals in whole amounts of items removed
  • Deleting scenarios fixed
  • Bulk suggestions – suggestions overriding alerts fixed
  • Bulk suggestions – rules form scroll-down option menus fixed
  • Bulk suggestions – missing revenue, profit and quantity history fixed
  • Creating bulk tier with zero value restricted


As always, your feedback is more than welcome and our Customer Success and Support teams are happy to get in touch with you. Thank you and happy spring time.

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