Happy 2023 update!

Happy, jolly and successful 2023! Here we are with this year’s first update.

As promised last year, we keep on improving our app visually so this update brings a new set of icons across the tool to make things clear and easy to understand. There are, of course, several new features and improvements in functionality, too. Here we go…


Icons are a minimalist but noticeable change that improves overal legibility of the application and its features. Most changes are made to the existing icons, but there are also new instances where they emphasise or differentiate content, e.g. in brand and supplier badges. They are also pleasant to look at. See for yourself.

01 Icons


Extremely flexible reporting capabilities are now possible thanks to the new Article chart in Price Reports which brings deep article-level analysis of the whole assortment or its part using filtering options. Various KPIs and indicators can be compared to one another freely upon your choice with instant visual results. Each dot represents an article and can be dived into by clicking. The chart also allows aggregated view per article, as well as by individual zones. The list of indicators for comparison can vary depending on your business setup, but generally consists of:

02 Article scatter chart

  • Revenue / Regular revenue
  • Profit / Regular profit
  • Sales volume / Regular sales volume
  • Margin (regular)
  • Custom or Competitor indexes


03 Manual price Article report

Price report in Article detail now displays the manual price set on the given article, opposed to showing the optimised price generated by our algorithm which used to be displayed in the report before. All impacts on margin and any custom indexes used are also reflected for the manual price entered upon recalculation.


04 Repricing priority

Articles ready for export now clearly indicate the number of articles which are going to appear in the closest standard export by the time this snapshot report is generated if prices are kept as suggested by the application. Such articles are also highlighted in colour. While Export size limit indicates the maximum amount of articles that can be part of a single standard export – this setting can be changed manually in Exports module settings. Additionally, the report indicates articles with Manual prices (orange dot) and articles marked with Priority repricing (green dot).


05 Search in Family ID

Since this update it is possible to search articles by ID inside Settings of each family. Any articles found can be added, or transferred from another family, using this functionality. This allows higher flexibility in family management.

Note: Transferring an article from another family consisting of two articles will cause such family to be deleted.


06 Category locked rule

If a whole category is locked using a rule in Locked Articles module, an info bar of such settings is shown on the category level when browsing the category tree. Such category is also marked with a lock rule indicator (grey dot).

In this example an entire category named Ice cream is locked using such rule.


  • Missing tooltips in Locked article rules fixed
  • Inactive zones appearing in sales history fixed
  • Price range form blinking fixed
  • Sign-in form blinking fixed
  • Sorting results in exports and downloadable excel files fixed
  • Selecting multiple articles using Shift key in Families module fixed
  • Jumping numbers in family ratio fixed
  • Searching results containing comma fixed

We hope the new features introduced in this release will make your work with the tool better as they are mostly based on the valuable feedback you provided to us. We are always happy when you share your thoughts, so please keep in touch with our Customer Experience and Support teams. Thank you and have a great new year 2023!

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