Design update v4.45

The devil is in the detail, as they say. Especially, when designing software. That’s why today’s update is all about small details, juicy new colors and cleaner interface.

We have also put strong focus on client feedback in version 4.45 so you can expect better user experience. Don’t worry, almost all tools and functions stayed in the same place and you will be able to easily find them where you are used to.


The main and most noticeable changes are in the color palette. Brighter, more vivid and variable colors bring better contrast and legibility of the otherwise unchanged content. Smoother edges and transitions make the flow more pleasant to use and to look at.

Overall styling has been made cleaner and brighter to get rid of the infamous “fifty shades of grey” as well as unnecessary, cluttered spaces. Important information like e.g. suggestions and alerts is highlighted and thus better visible in the app.

We hope you enjoy the new look of the app as much as we do, and will look forward to the future improvements that are coming in releases to follow. We still have some more design enhancements in store so stay tuned.

Screenshot 2022 11 24 at 16.20.36


Based on numerous requests we have added the option to filter multiple items of the same filter type in the Exports module, for the timebeing.

When in Exports, press the filter button and simply select multiple values in any of the filter types. In this example we are choosing several Article classes. The filter will display the results which contain at least one of the options chosen in the same filter type.

In case multiple types are used, only articles that contain a combination of both itmes chosen in different filter types will be displayed – in this case a combination of Article class and Supplier.

multi filters


Screenshot 2022 11 24 at 17.20.27

Taking your feedback into consideration, excel downloadables have been expanded with additional columns:

  • Article status column with two states Active/Inactive has been added to downloadable excel reports in Price Reports and Families modules.
  • Family ID column has been added to downloadable excel reports in Families, Exports, and Bulk modules.
  • Family name column has been removed from the application completely.


Screenshot 2022 11 24 at 17.32.45

A search field has been added to User Management in Administration module to enhance user experience for our growing number of admins. This makes user management faster and easier, especially in the initial phase of app implementation in your company.

It is possible to search users in your admin scope by the following parameters:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • e-mail
  • User role


  • Sort columns

    Sorting columns in reports remembers and holds the position of the screen, not returning to the top-lef corner, to make sure you always look at the same column when sorting.

  • Your sorted column choise is saved and carried across other reports where available. So when switching between reports with identical types of columns, you will be able to see items sorted in the same way like in previous report. This makes comparison of the same indicator easier when switchnig between reports.

  • Export man price

    When setting Manual price in an open Review in Exports module, the settings menu displays current price of the chosen article so that you can see which exact price you are about to change.


  • “Updated at” date not updating on Locked articles rules fixed
  • Profit, Revenue, Volume columns missing in Export download fixed
  • Family color dot not disappearing after deletion of the family fixed
  • Export settings editing values not reflected correctly fixed
  • Custom report status update fixed
  • Scatter charts displaying wrond IDs in tooltip fixed
  • Selecting multiple articles in export using Shift key fixed
  • Select-box item positioning corrected

In case you would like to share your feedback with us, you are welcome to contact our Support using chat during business hours.

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