What is new in version 4.43

We are opening Q3 with another regular update. Introducing a couple new features, UI enhancements, and bugfixes.

So, what’s new in version 4.43:


Having received numerous requests, we have added a Repricing Priority report into Price Reports.

It is a time-snapshot report providing overview of all articles by zone based on:

  • Repricing rank – prioritised order of articles based on how important it is to reprice them by the time when the report is generated
  • Blocker – indicating reasons why certain articles cannot be repriced according to Repricing rank
  • Export rank – the result of the two previous indicators listing articles that will be exported by priority


It includes information on the date by when the report is valid, Export size limit set for Standard exports in the Export module, as well as the total amount of articles set for Priority repricing represented by a green dot indicator.

The report allows to review articles that are candidates for export at the given time, as well as articles that would be repriced based on Repricing rank but are not included in the closest export due to Blockers. It helps to gain understanding of Repricing priority and make decisions on any necessary adjustments prior to the closest export.

Screenshot 2022 10 19 at 14.07.37

This feature is enabled upon request. Please contact our Support for more details.



It is now possible to set both Valid from and Valid until dates in rules for Locked Articles.

This allows for better future planning of excluded assortment in the app.

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In case prices of your assortment are in the range of higher thousands e.g. due to the currency in which you operate or various other reasons, it is possible to set the amount of decimals for all prices across the application.

Screenshot 2022 10 19 at 14.58.19

This setting is adjusted upon request. Please contact our Support for more details.



  • Price report – Regular prices overview in article detail – UI redesigned to be more responsive and user friendly keeping all controls, switches and charts within the screen, no matter how large or small your resolution is.
  • Fullscreen mode of article detail enhanced in similar fashion to provide a more responsive experience on smaller screens.


Screenshot 2022 10 19 at 15.12.07



  • Reopening current Review after checking other exports in Exports module fixed
  • First column width adjustment in Exports module fixed
  • Column sorting and hiding in reports and tables fixed
  • Tooltip overflow in Promotions module fixed
  • Approving family suggestions via article Price settings fixed
  • Removing Locked article rules via article Price settings fixed


As always, you are welcome to reach out to our Support using chat during business hours to find out more on any of the new features.

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