Regular update is here!

Hey, our regular update is here! Bringing you another set of interface enhancements, new features, and several fixes.

New features in version 4.39:


User Management has been moved to a new Administration module which is now available for Admin users. Restructured menu provides users with clear overview of all modules available in the app and also allows us to add new functionalities in the future. Stay tuned!
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This module is available only to users with Administrator role within your organisation.


Based on numerous requests we have expanded filters to allow higher flexibility and more precise results.

  • Alert type filter allows article filtering by individual alert types. The filter is available in Price Management and Price Reports modules.
  • Alert type filter

  • Article class filter in Families – Classes are now displayed in the Families module as badges on each article. It is also possible to filter families containing articles with a selected class.
  • Screenshot 2022 08 29 at 15.11.49


A new functionality allowing us to provide important information to all users directly in the app and keeping you up to speed with what is going on. E.g. when an app release is coming, to help you avoid downtime due to maintenance you will be notified several days ahead on the exact date and time of the release. As soon as you login, an announcement bar with details will be displayed at the top of the screen.

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Reach out to our Support if you would like to get more details on any of the new features.

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